
Feminist Org Reports ‘Shinigami Eyes,’ Made by Violent, Trans Accused Rapist to Identify ‘TERFs’

Source: Women are Human

Note: Images in this story contain strong language that may be inappropriate for some readers.

US; NO — . Women worldwide have expressed fear over a browser extension made by an American, which allows users to mark individuals and companies around the globe who dare express doubts about gender identity ideology. Last week, the Norwegian faction of the Women’s Human Rights Campaign announced on social media that it had taken action, reporting “the browser add-on Shinigami Eyes to the Norwegian data authority for being in violation of GDPR [General Data Protection Regulation].”

Laurelai Bailey, a male who was named Wesley at birth and now identifies as a woman, created the add-on, which can work in the Chrome and FireFox browsers. According to a published description, the add-on “highlights transphobic and trans-friendly social network pages and users” on Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, Tumblr, Medium, YouTube, Wikipedia, and websites that use Disqus comments, marking “anti-trans” individuals, businesses and organizations red, and the “trans-friendly” green.

“This extension is focused on anti-trans (including anti-nonbinary) sentiment, of all flavors: radfem/terf, religious, alt-right etc. (although most of the data is about the first group),” the description continues. Many surmise that the extension primarily targets women, given that radical feminists are women and ‘TERF’ is a slur used against women who understand that there are two sexes and that humans cannot change sex.

The add-on was named after the death gods of Death Note manga and anime. The implications stoke many women’s worry. One woman commented on Facebook:

I have a larger concern related to the anime Death Note in which I became acquainted with the concept of shinigami. They are death gods who write down the names of people they intend to kill beforehand on their list in their notebook.

I present a concern that the Shinigami Eyes app is much more noxious than is being assumed and that it exists to facilitate in the harm or lethal harm of people who have been red lined, in this case I’d assume primarily terfs and gender critical persons.

Many women have long suspected that the Shinigami Eyes extension runs afoul of European law.

WHRC Norge recently took action, filing a report with the data authority of Norway. The organization is urging women around the world to report the browser add-on to authorities in their own nations.

The Shinigami Eyes add-on exists as part of an effort by the transgender extremist community to “build a database” that “would be accessible globally and protected via redundancy from ever being deleted,” according to online manual “Resisting TERF’s and Transforming Their Organizations,” which provides guidance for trans extremists. While the manual says the database will focus on gathering the information of the alt-right, it notes that “TERF’s will also be in that database,” and proceeds to offer suggestions for collecting such data.

What can you do to help when it comes online? If you find a TERF, do the following:

Write down their online handle and a link to whatever account you found them on.
If they have their real name posted, grab it.
Save a photo of their face if available.
Screen shot some of their offending posts as proof in case they try and delete evidence. Save it with Archive.
Record any personal info they have on Twitter or Facebook, such as place of employment, birthday, etc.
– “Resisting TERF’s and Transforming Their Organizations” manual

Mr Bailey also created the Anti-Fascist MIT License, which adds a “clause prohibiting fascists, those who support fascists or those who endorse fascism from using” any software its bundled with. Along with transgender-identifying friends Alison (né Dennis) Woolbert and Melissa (né Harrison) Savage, Mr Bailey contributed to the software TERF Tracker.

While his threatening behavior appears to be focused on women, Mr Bailey claims to have “successfully stopped a neighbor from voting for Trump by threatening to throw him through a window. Gimme a few more months and a cattle prod and he will be an intersectional socialist.” Mr Bailey advocates dismantling the system, once posting on Facebook, “The patriarchal heteronormative cisgendered state-capitalist establishment is directly responsible for the oppression of transgender individuals and therefore must be destroyed. The state is a self defense threat.”

Aside from a long pattern of making violent threats and posing with weapons on social media, Mr Bailey has been accused by no fewer than five individuals, primarily members of the transgender community who self-identify as women, of having raped or molested them.

When the accusations of sexual violence surfaced in 2015, Mr Bailey was further alienated from online transgender communities. Prior friction existed after Mr Bailey doxxed or ratted out various friends in these communities following a series of falling-outs – including his outing of TERF Tracker co-contributor Alison Woolbert as a convicted child rapist – and turned federal informant during the WikiLeaks investigation.

The father, estranged husband and army veteran – who is self-diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder, borderline personality disorder, general anxiety and depression – faked suicide that year as pressure mounted.


Report Shinigami Eyes to the appropriate legal body in your country.

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